Grounding The Issues: A Comprehensive Depth Analysis and Optimization of Common Cable Grounding Problems

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Qiang Wei Li


Due to the overall regulation of modern cities, cables are often placed underground in modern urban areas, which correspondingly increases the difficulty of regular inspection, operation and maintenance. Most of the general text focuses on the main issues of cable grounding as the main research topic. After roughly outlining the main types of cable faults, a comprehensive and optimized analysis of the main reasons for cable grounding faults has been conducted. This has provided a clear and streamlined route for the general classification of cable fault problems and solutions.

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Published: May 6, 2024
Classification of major faults in cables; Main issues with urban cables
Engineering and Technology
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Li, Q. W. (2024). Grounding The Issues: A Comprehensive Depth Analysis and Optimization of Common Cable Grounding Problems . Allied Sciences and Engineering Journals (ASEJ), 11(5), 48–52. Retrieved from